
Showing posts from 2018
When to expect a visit from the Tooth Fairy It is a milestone that will make most parents cry, as they realize their little one is growing up much faster than they want.  A child losing their first tooth is a fun and exciting experience for most little ones but the truth is most parents are caught by surprise when that first tooth gets loose.  Let me cover some basics that may help parents be prepared for whats to come.   First, when will it happen.  While every kid is different, we can give you an average age range of when those baby teeth will come out.  Below is a eruption charts are provided by the American Dental Association and cover both baby teeth eruption and shedding as well as permanent teeth eruption time averages.  Baby Teeth Chart Permanent Teeth Chart   As you can see there are 20 baby teeth that must be lost to make room for 32 permanent teeth (including wisdom teeth).  All of the adult molars will come in behin...
Tooth Sensitivity Being summer time you may want to enjoy an ice cream or sno cone, and while these things are not great for your teeth, I realize that most people want to enjoy a treat every now and then.  Some of you however, suffer from cold sensitivity and can’t truly enjoy these summer indulgences. Let's discuss some possibilities and options that may help relieve these symptoms so you can actually relax and enjoy a cold treat. Cold sensitivity is one of the most common complaints of my patients, even those without any major problems.  First and foremost you should visit a dentist to make sure there is no underlying nerve problems, cavities, or pathology that needs to be addressed.  If you get the all clear from your dentist but still experience cold sensitivity you may want to try some over-the-counter products. There are several sensitive toothpastes that are very effective at relieving what we call “root sensitivity”.  I will explain what that mean...

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Ask most people what they want to change about their teeth and one of the most common answers is definitely the color.  Everyone wants whiter teeth but most people don’t know much about what options exist. Lets first get into what is the difference when you buy an over the counter product vs. a in-office treatment system.  First and foremost the active ingredients are almost always the same. If you look at the over the counter box the active ingredient is most likely either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. These over the counter products contain a lower percentage (usually between 6% and 10%) of this active ingredient than what you can get with an professional strength whitening system (usually between 22%-40%)  What this means is that in-office whitening systems are faster but maybe not more effective. The biggest advantage is you don’t have to leave the gel on as long or for as many days to get the desired results. However, the higher c...
Teeth Cleanings Dental cleanings are typically a patients favorite appointment in a dental office. Beyond just making your teeth shine and feel squeaky clean, a prophylaxis (the technical term) is used to promote a healthy dentition and gum health.   Most people don't realize what happens when they miss a cleaning or two.  First an foremost tartar builds up!!!  Dental plaques are soft and easily removed at home with proper brushing and flossing techniques.  However, tartar is calcified and adheres to the teeth so well that no amount of brushing or flossing will do the job.  This is where your dentist or dental hygienist come into play.  There are specialized dental instruments that can remove these deposits.  This is not just important for helping removed stains caused by dental tartar, but also to remove the colonies of bacteria living on these hard deposits.  If these continue to grow, over time it can lead to gum disease such as...