As summer approaches many people will be setting out for their summer vacations.This is meant to be a time to kick back, relax and enjoy some time without the stresses of everyday life. However, as many people find out every year, a toothache can quickly ruin a good time. I just saw a patient this week, that was planning his honeymoon. He came in with an infection but did not want treatment until after he returned from in vacation. My advice - don't put off your dental work. The risk people run into is that teeth are very unpredictable. They may not hurt for years and years,even when there is an active infection, and then out of no where BAM!!! Swelling, severe pain, agony. We are taught in dental school that one choice every patient has is NO TREATMENT. In the dental field we see this everyday. We make a diagnosis, advice the patient of their condition, and the patient goes home with antibiotics, never to return. Unfortunately, this rarely...